A New Day

Looking outside, I see a new day emerging.

I hear the chipper of birds, the whooshing of cars, and the leaves beginning to fall.

There’s a pressing need to move by people, coupled by the fluttering of a normal day for the birds.

Hush, hush, do you hear the wind?

I see the branches blowing.

The smell of autumn tantalizing the senses.

What do you think?

Is it near?

Hold your breath no longer.

Listen and feel the wind.

A new day is upon us,

spin, spin, spin.

Worry not, my dear.

A new day is finally here.

Lifts your arms high,

let your worries soar away.

Is that Aslan calling?

Or only a siren…

Listen to that inner voice,

it’s saying…

“This is your time, my child,

do not waste it,

do not rush it,

it is my gift to you.”